Mission Valley Ford

Jan 31, 2024

You rely on it to keep the air conditioner frosty, the headlights burning brightly, and the radio playing, but a faulty car battery may mean that your vehicle won’t even start. Batteries are designed to last for three to five years, so replacing them is an infrequent but essential part of car maintenance. Here’s how to make the most of your car’s charge, and the signs that it’s time to visit your Ford dealer for a new car battery.

You rely on it to keep the air conditioner frosty, the headlights burning brightly, and the radio playing, but a faulty car battery may mean that your vehicle won’t even start. Batteries are designed to last for three to five years, so replacing them is an infrequent but essential part of car maintenance. Here’s how to make the most of your car’s charge, and the signs that it’s time to visit your Ford dealer for a new car battery.

Engine Is Slow to Crank

The battery plays a crucial role in supplying the necessary initial power to the starter motor, enabling it to turn the engine over. A faulty battery might mean that it takes longer to start your car, and that it’s slower to crank. If you only hear a clicking noise when you turn the key, it means that your battery is completely flat, and you’ll need a jumpstart to get the car moving.

Electrical Systems Lose Power

When the battery is struggling, you might notice that the electrical systems such as the windows, lights, fans, and seats are slower, weaker, or unresponsive.

Dashboard Warning Lights

If there’s a problem with your battery, the battery light or the engine warning light will appear on your dashboard. This is an obvious signal that it’s time to make an appointment and have your car battery checked, and it shouldn’t be ignored. 

Maintaining Battery Health

Although your battery will eventually need replacing, there are steps you can take to ensure that you get the most out of its lifespan. Electrical systems will drain it, so make sure that you switch off the windshield [KS1] wipers, radio and heaters when you start or park the car. Taking regular drives of at least a half hour will make sure that it recharges properly.

It’s also a good idea to perform a quick visual check on your battery occasionally. When you pop the hood, look at the battery to see whether the connection points are clear, and if the casing is free from cracks or warping. Watch out for any sulfurous smells, like rotten eggs. If you do identify a problem then be careful, as a damaged battery can leak corrosive chemicals. It’s important to schedule a service appointment right away. Electrical problems with your car might also be caused by a faulty alternator, blown fuses, or damaged wiring, but a diagnostic check will be able to identify the issue. If you have any concerns about your car’s charge, don’t hesitate to contact us at Mission Valley Ford, where our expert Ford-certified technicians will make sure that your vehicle receives the very best of care.
